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Safeguarding vulnerable adults

Many adults can be rendered ‘vulnerable’ as a result of old age, physical disability or infirmity, learning disability or mental health problems (or, to be more precise, people in such groups can be disempowered by negative, patronising and dismissive societal attitudes towards them). Such attitudes can add insult to injury when ‘vulnerable’ groups are also subject to abuse. It is unfortunately the case that it is not only children who can face abuse in our society, but also relatively powerless adults who can be exploited and mistreated. This can occur both in the workplace and in the wider community, and is sadly more common than people generally realise. In order to make sure that people are protected from abuse, it is helpful that everyone should have at least a basic understanding of the issues involved and the worrying signs to look out for. To find out more, choose from the menu below.

Please select from the following:

What is ‘adult abuse’?

How might I recognise adult abuse?

I suspect someone is being abused, what should I do?

What help is available for people who have been abused?