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Tackling conflict and poor teamwork

Conflict is a fundamental part of human relationships, and so we should not be able to expect to have conflict-free workplaces. What we should be able to expect, though is that key people have at least a basic understanding of conflict and the skills to be able to manage it effectively to prevent it spilling over and becoming destructive and harmful. All workplaces will have some degree of conflict within them, but some will have major problems because of the level of conflict, while others will experience few difficulties. While some degree of conflict is inevitable, the significant problems it can cause are not. There is therefore much to be gained by building up our knowledge, skills and confidence in relation to rising to the challenges that conflict brings to the workplace. To find out more, choose from the menu below.

Please select from the following:

What causes conflict?

How do we prevent conflict?

How do we manage conflict?

How do we resolve disputes?

What makes for good teamwork?