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Neil has made a number of learning resources available for free. Some are available from the links below, but you can get even more resources by becoming a member of the Academy. Please register in the sign up box to the right of this paragraph.

Please note that your e-mail address will not be passed on to any third parties and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Manifesto for Making a Difference: From Surviving to Thriving

This major statement of Neil’s approach to human relations is available from here. If you are a fan of Neil’s work, then this is essential reading for you.


The humansolutions website contains a number of articles written by Neil about various topics relating to problems in the workplace, families or communities: humansolutions

THE humansolutions BULLETIN 

Neil edits this free e-zine which often features his own work, including his blog posts. Click here to sign up for a free subscription.

Keep up to date with news and developments!

The Grapevine is a convenient source of constantly updated information from Twitter, blogs and Pearltrees. View the Grapevine here.

Become a member

As part of membership your email address will be added to our mailing list – you can unsubscribe at any time.

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Free email courses (lessons delivered in a series of emails)

Please register in the relevant sign up box(es) below.

Please note that your e-mail address will not be passed on to any third parties and you may unsubscribe at any time.


Neil also has a YouTube channel with free learning materials available here.

So, you want to be a social worker?

This free course for people considering a career in social work is available (along with over 20 other courses from here.