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How a music venue made my son with autism feel included at a concert

My 16-year-old son with autism has two loves in his life: teddy bears and music. He likes the same Top 40 pop songs most kids like; it’s something he gets lost in. He dances with his head. Sometimes, his body is so rigid that other people think he’s awkwardly swaying. With padded headphones, which don’t cause him sensory discomfort, and an iPod, he does his own version of musical head-banging. He’s happy. Over the years, we have included Andrew in nearly everything his siblings do. At 5 feet, 10 inches tall, he may no longer be the cute little boy I could scoop up into my arms during a meltdown in the supermarket, but he belongs in our community.  This year, he wanted to go to a concert just like his sisters always love to do. And I’m talking about a concert in a big outside amphitheater. Fortunately, we can sit in a box, which provides some privacy from being knocked over by other people dancing.

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