Blog Ease Marketing Course


The ultimate resource library to make all your social media marketing activities easier, faster and more profitable than ever before!


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The Blogger’s Secret Weapon For Success:

You’re About to Discover the Same Tips, Tricks and Tools the Pro Bloggers Use to Make Running a Blog Faster, Easier and More Profitable Than Ever Before!

If you’d love to have the kind of profitable blog where people beg you to post more because they can’t get enough, then you’re going to love this! Read on…

Forget what you’ve heard about blogging being ‘hard’. Ignore those people who say it’s a labour of love and you won’t make any money out of it. And never mind those who say blogging is going out of style soon – there are nearly half a billion blogs online, so you can bet this is one tool that’s not going anywhere!

And that’s why you need to discover the secrets of setting up and running blogs that actually attract a hungry audience and generate an income for you. Good news – you’ve found it!

Introducing Blog Ease: Your All-In-One Resource Library for Blogging

Blog Ease is bundled into four modules…

  • Blueprints, which are the guides and reports you need to become a better blogger!
  • Lists, which include swipe files and idea sets to make blogging a breeze!
  • Outlines and templates, so that you can create content faster and easier!
  • Grab Bag, which includes a toolkit of calendars, worksheets and cheat sheets for setting up and monetizing a popular blog!

It’s the ultimate resource library to make all your social media marketing activities easier, faster and more profitable than ever before!

The Blog Ease package will give you the tools and knowledge you need to set up and run blogs that deliver measurable results straight to the bottom line of your business.

How? Well just check out these proven ways blogs are a boon to your business…

Here Are the Top 5 Ways You Can Use a Blog to Grow Your Business…

Attract leads A popular blog naturally attracts quality traffic, often by word of mouth!  As your blog grows in popularity, not only will more people visit your site, but they will also encourage their friends and family to do so as well.

Build your brand Whether you’re just starting your business or you want to expand your influence in a market, creating a popular blog is a great way to do it!  Use your blog to become a household name in your field.

Develop relationships with prospects and customers When people know, like and trust you, they’ll be more willing to spend a lot of money with you – and a good blog helps you develop these relationships!

Grow your mailing list A blog gives your prospects a sample of your work – you can bet visitors will be eager to check out your newsletter once they are wowed by the quality of your blog! You can build virtually any kind of list through ‘built-in’ components at your site.

Get more sales Use your blog to build buzz for your next product launch, flash sale, or other promo event! Once your blog has a solid following, you can literally earn extra sales on demand.

This is all pretty exciting when you think about it…

Blogging is one of the keys to unlocking bigger profits in your business – but only if you know the RIGHT way to use! And that’s exactly what the Blog Ease package will help you do.

Check this out…

Here Are Three Ways the Blog Ease Package Makes Blogging Easier, Faster, and More Profitable Than Ever Before…

You get the information you need without being overwhelmed That’s because the Blog Ease packages information in short tutorials, cheat sheets and other easy-to-read formats so you can absorb the information fast and put it to work immediately!

You get a full set of actionable tools No more casting about trying to figure out how to implement what you just learned. This package includes worksheets, checklists outlines, templates, and more to help you quickly turn information into profitable action.

You get the information that’s working NOW Each tool and resource includes the most current and up-to-date strategies and tools that are working right now. You get fresh information to create amazing results!

So are you ready to see what all you get when you order now? Here’s your sneak peek into the world of profitable blogging

Order now, and get resources across each of the four B.L.O.G. modules. These modules include:

  • Blueprints, which are the guides and reports you need to become a better blogger!
  • Lists, which include swipe files and idea sets to make blogging easier and faster!
  • Outlines and templates, so that you can create content faster and easier than ever before!
  • Grab Bag, which includes a toolkit of calendars, worksheets and cheat sheets for setting up and monetizing a popular blog!

Now let’s look at exactly what you get within these four B.L.O.G. modules…

Module 1: Blueprints

The Five Easy Steps for Creating Highly Engaging Blog Content

It’s no secret that one of the keys to a successful blog is to create highly engaging content. If your visitors don’t stick around to read your posts, then any monetisation method is a wasted effort. That’s why you’ll want to check out these five easy steps for creating content that will hook your readers and keep them coming back for more!

How to Create Blog Content That S.E.L.L.S.

How do you create blog content that S.E.L.L.S. like crazy? That’s exactly what you’re about to discover inside this blueprint! Here’s a quick overview:

  • Select a Catchy Title
  • Engage the Audience
  • Lead Them Through the Process
  • Leave Them Wanting More
  • Sell the Offer

The Secrets of Creating Attention-Getting Blog Headlines

Heads up: If you don’t spend time creating a really good, attention-getting, compelling title, then the rest of your blog article may as well not even exist. Because if your title isn’t compelling, then no one is clicking on your article… no one is reading it… and no one is taking action on the links within your article. That’s why you’ll want to employ this three-step process for creating attention-getting headlines that pull people in and get them reading your content!

How to Create Blog Content Faster Than Ever

There’s one thing about being a blog owner: You need a lot of content. And if you don’t figure out how to create or acquire this content more quickly, you’ll find yourself chained to your desk and working a whole lot harder than you need to. No good, right? That’s why you’ll want to check out these five surefire ways for creating high-quality content faster than ever!

How to Build a Blog That Makes at Least £1,000 Per Month

So, you want to build a blog. But not just any blog – you want a successful blog. And by ‘successful’, I mean one that’s profitable. Good news: you’re reading the right blueprint. That’s because you’re about to find out how to build a blog that makes a P.R.O.F.I.T. Here’s an overview of how to set up a blog that makes hundreds of pounds per month.

How to Create Blog Posts That Get Shared Like Crazy

There’s nothing worse than pouring your heart and soul into a blog post, only to get a lukewarm response. You’d much rather have a really enthusiastic response that results in plenty of social media shares… right? Of course you would. And that’s why you’ll want to check out these five tips, tricks and best practices for creating content that gets shared like crazy!

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Get High-Quality Content for Free

Are you looking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your hands on high-quality content… without doing the work yourself? That sounds almost too good to be true, right? And yet there is a surprisingly easy way to do it. The answer? Crowdsourcing. Sounds exciting, right? It is. That’s why you’ll want to read this blueprint to discover how to put this strategy to work for you!

How to Build a Big L.I.S.T. From Your Blog

One of the keys to a successful blog is to capture as many of your visitors as possible onto a mailing list. That way, you can remind prospects to come back to your blog, you can build relationships automatically via your autoresponder, and you can close sales on the backend. Sounds good, right? And that’s exactly discover when you read this L.I.S.T.-building formula!

How to Become a Highly Sought G.U.E.S.T. Blogger

You’ve built a blog. You’ve stocked it with lots of great content, you’ve set up a lead-capture system, and you’ve planned how to monetise your traffic. Now what? The next step is get targeted traffic to your blog. And one of the best ways to do this is with guest blogging – which is why you’re going to love learning this system for becoming a highly sought G.U.E.S.T. blogger!

Module 2: Lists

27 Ways to Generate an Almost Limitless Number of Awesome Blog Article Ideas

Have you ever sat in front of your computer screen, knowing it was time to write a blog post, and just hit a complete blank? It happens to most bloggers at one time or another. Sometimes it’s hard to generate ideas. In most cases, however, the problem is that it’s hard to generate GOOD ideas. And that’s where this list comes in. Inside this resource you’ll find 27 really good ways to generate hundreds of awesome post ideas!

15 Clever Ways to Monetise Your Blog

One of the big decisions you need to make when setting up your blog is how you intend to monetize it. And the first step in figuring this out is to be clear about all of your options. That’s why you’ll want to check out these 15 clever ways to monetise your blog!

27 Types of CTAs That Ought to Be in Every Blogger’s Toolkit

Just about every blog post you publish should include some sort of a CTA (call to action), whether that’s to purchase a product, take advantage of a free trial, or sign up for a list. Since you’re always posting CTAs, you’ll appreciate this list of 27 different types of CTAs that you can use for a variety of occasions!

50 Different Types of Blog Posts to Build Relationships, Establish Your Expertise, and Generate Sales

Here’s a key to creating great content: your readers like variety. What’s more, you’ll find that they respond to different types of posts in different ways. And that means that the more variety you provide, the more engaged your audience will be overall. Plus, plenty of variety helps you determine the best ways to connect with your audience. So, with these benefits in mind, you’ll want to check out these 50 different types of blog posts you can use to build relationships, establish your expertise in the niche, and generate sales!

15 Blog Series Ideas That Will Keep Your Readers Coming Back for More

No matter what kind of blog you’re running, it’s a good idea to publish a blog series from time to time. That’s because a series helps you establish a good reputation as an expert in your niche, it helps you build relationships with your readers, it adds value to your blog, and it makes your blog stickier. Which bring us to the question: what kind of series should you create? Inside this resource you’ll discover 15 ideas that will keep your readers hooked and eagerly coming back for more!

The Ten Best Attention-Getting, Audience-Engaging Ways to Open a Blog Post

Your title has caught your reader’s attention. Now you have just a few seconds to ‘reel in the reader’ and keep them glued to your post. That means you need to hook them with a great blog opener. That’s exactly what these ten surefire openers will help you do!

Ten Multimedia Content Ideas to Spice Up Your Blog

Look around, and you’ll see that the vast majority of blog posts are plain text. Hey, text posts are great. They’re useful. And a lot of people love them. But you know what? Your audience wants something different every now and again. They want multimedia. This means posting content that’s not text. Or at the very least, adding multimedia content to a text heavy post, which increases its perceived value. How do you do this? You can start by checking out these ten multimedia content ideas!

50 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Create Blog Content Faster and Better

If you’re like most bloggers, then you’re going to find yourself creating a lot of content. What’s more, this content is going to serve a variety of purposes, from building relationships to establishing your expertise to closing the sale. And that’s why it’s important for you to learn how to write content faster and better. You can start with these 50 tips, tricks and secrets!

Five Easy Ways to Find a Plethora of Guest Blogging Opportunities

One of the keys to having a successful blog is to get targeted traffic to your blog. And one of the better ways to attract this traffic is via guest blogging. But the question is, how do you find guest blogging opportunities? That’s what you’re about to find out inside this eye-opening resource!

Module 3: Outlines – Templates and Summaries

50 Blog-Post Titling Templates for All Occasions

Whether you need a good ‘how to’ title, one to announce niche news, or a title to introduce a promotional post, we’ve got you covered. That’s because in this resource you’ll get 50 attention-getting, super-effective titling templates!

Three Powerfully Effective Informational Blog Post Outlines

Three of the top article formats for sharing information with your readers include the how-to article, the tips article and the list article. Problem is, plenty of beginning bloggers really don’t know how to fully utilize these three article formats. That’s why I’ve provided outlines for each of these articles. End result? You can start sharing information in a way that will keep your audience entertained, engaged and educated!

Three Surefire Promotional Blog Post Outlines

If you have a blog, then there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll want to promote products or services directly from within your blog posts. And three good ways to do that are through a case study, a direct-response advertisement, and a product review. These three outlines will help you create these posts quickly and easily!

Three Multimedia Blog Post Outlines Your Readers Are Sure to Love

Heads up… your blog readers are starving for multimedia content. Oh sure, everyone loves a well-written article. But in order to create a high-value blog and keep things interesting for your readers, it’s a good idea to create multimedia. And that’s why you’re about to get your hands on a set of outlines for three popular formats, including a podcast, video, and an infographic!

The Fear-Logic-Gain Template Set for Boosting Conversions

One good promotional blog post can generate sales for you. But if you really want to boost your conversions, then you should post a series. And one of the best and most conversion-boosting series is the Fear-Logic-Gain series. That’s why you’re going to love getting your hands on this template set that lets you create this profitable series the fast and easy way!

Twelve Amazingly Engaging Blog Opener Templates

Your title initially captures your readers’ attention and convinces them to start reading your blog post. But if your blog opener can’t hold their attention, they’ll be clicking that back button faster than you can say, “Come back, this article is really awesome!” That’s why you’ll want to use these twelve engaging blog opener templates to keep your readers hooked and hanging on your every word!

Ten Awesome Ways to End Your Blog Posts With a Bang

You’ve come to the end of your blog post. Now what? This: you need to end with a bang. Because if you fizzle out right at the end, your readers aren’t going to want to take any action. They’re not going to stick around on your site. They’re going to lose their enthusiasm. And that’s why you’ll want to use these ten awesome ways to end your blog posts!

Five Compelling Storytelling Templates To Hook And Engage Your Readers Like Crazy

One of the best ways to engage your audience and stir up some emotion is with a story. Your entire blog post might end up being a story, or you might simply drop a short-story somewhere in the middle of your post. Either way, inside these template set you’ll get five storytelling templates you can start using immediately to hook and engage your audience!

50 Extremely Effective Call-to-Action Templates for Every Occasion

Every blog post you create and publish usually has a specific purpose. And that means that every blog post should include a call to action to help you achieve that purpose.

Inside this template set you’ll find 50 calls to action for every need or occasion, including:

  • Take action on the content
  • Join a list
  • Register for an event
  • Purchase a product
  • Share the content
  • Miscellaneous CTAs

You’re going to love what these CTAs do for your conversions

Module 4: Grab Bag – Toolkit of Documents

A Simple Cheat Sheet for Setting Up a New Blog

There are a lot of pieces and parts you need to snap together in order to set up and launch a new blog. This cheat sheet will help you put those pieces and parts together, including how to Plan, Prepare and Promote your new blog!

The ‘Planning Killer Content’ Worksheet

One of the keys to creating a successful blog is to post content that your audience really wants. This worksheet will help you determine what sort of content will help make your blog a raging success!

How to Design Your Publishing Calendar (A Worksheet)

A lot of new bloggers set up their blog, and then start publishing content… randomly. But if you want the best results, then it’s a good idea to plan your publishing calendar for at least the next 6-12 months. And here’s a worksheet to help you do exactly that!

The ‘Get Inside Your Reader’s Head’ Worksheet

One of the keys to creating a great blog is to really KNOW your audience. Because when you know your audience, you can do two things:

  1. You can publish content and offers that you know will really appeal to them.
  2. You can write in a way that resonates with your audience.

So how do you do this? Simple: by using this worksheet to profile your blog audience and get inside their heads!

The Blog Monetisation Cheat Sheet

You’ve got an awesome idea for a blog – but how will you make money with this blog? Answer: use the tips and ideas inside this eye-opening cheat sheet!

The Proof and Polish Cheat Sheet

Heads up: people judge you, your products and your business by the quality of your content. If the content on your blog is riddled with inaccuracies and/or proofing errors, people are going to judge it to be very low content. That’s why you’ll want to use this cheat sheet to be sure you’re putting out the best work possible!

The Blog Monetisation and Optimisation Worksheet

Plenty of bloggers pick a monetisation method and employ it without ever really considering the BEST way to optimise their monetisation strategy. A little planning upfront can mean more profits in the long run, which is why you’ll want to use this blog monetisation and optimisation worksheet to plan your strategy!

The Blog Traffic Cheat Sheet

You can have the best blog in the world, but it won’t mean much if you can’t get any traffic to it. That’s why you’ll want to use the surefire tips and tricks inside this cheat sheet to help you plan your traffic strategy!

The Blog Content Planner and Worksheet for Keeping Readers Engaged

Employ this planner/worksheet to help you decide exactly what type of content to publish to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more!

Order The Blog Ease Package Now And You’ll Get Over 300 Jam-Packed Pages of Profitable Blogging Information Across Dozens of Checklists, Worksheets, Cheat Sheets, Templates, Outlines and Guides to Use Instantly!

You won’t find a better package of content and tools to help you set up and run a blog faster, easier and more profitably than ever before. And that’s why you’re going to want to order right now…

How Much Is This Amazing Package?

You’d expect a package like this to cost a fortune. After all, if you ordered each of these 36 pieces separately at £10 each – that’s £360 total – you’d be paying a more than fair price. And if you hired a blogging consultant to tell you all this information, then you’d easily be looking at £1,000 plus an ongoing retainer.

But listen, you don’t need to shell out £1,000 today. You don’t even need to spend £360. It would be worth the price, but I want to offer you the best possible deal…

So here it is: when you order right now, you get this entire package for just £79.99. That’s just £2.22 per resource – and that, my friend, is an INCREDIBLE deal!

So what are you waiting for? You’ll want to jump on this offer now before it gets taken off the table for good, so be fast and order now using the button below…

If You Act Now, You Can Get Everything Shown on This Page For Just £79.99. That’s Over 300 Pages of Templates, Swipe Files, Reports and Guides, Worksheets, Cheat Sheets, and Checklists!

Place Your Order Now


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